Deployment for Production - Frequently Asked Questions - Izengard
Yes you can, although virtually all of our modules are REST API driven and can connect to your other systems, you will not get the full benefit of Izengard. Some of the cost reduction and precision is based on other elements being present. At minimum, we recommend you always combine KYC/CDD with a module. Some modules such as Izengard Sherlock (Fraud), have a cyber-security element to them and whilst it can work with your cyber-security tools, it will be less effective. Izengard is effective when it is bought fully integrated as you get risk indicators from all 3 domains. However, if you plan to buy other Izengard modules after trying the first one and making the case clear for unified integration, we are happy to have a discussion with you. If you expand at a later stage, we can still offer you commercial terms at a later date that would have been offered if you had bought several modules from us immediately.
Izengard typically signs up for a minimum of 5 years and within that the costs for regulatory data subscriptions are made clear. These also include any model upgrades for typology reasons. Software upgrades during the 5 year are included.
Izengard first of all uses privacy enhancing technologies (with a specialized vault provider – which can be on-site or on cloud) to mask all personally identifiable information and does not unmask it until a valid user who has permission to see it is logged in.
Izengard uses best of breed components for its front-end, process management orchestration and elastic based search on. It can sit on the same cloud than where our data fabric / data mesh sits. This physical separation of the main app and the data is not only good for security reasons but allow us to scale our data fabric / data mesh and machine learning models which are optimized but on separated Kubernetes containers for security and speed. The front end has 99.9% RTO, whilst the data fabric / data mesh has 99.999% RTO, so the loss of data has been prioritized over the loss of the front end. In the event of a downtime, the only thing that could happen is the queue of work in case management may get longer, but using robots to work through them can decrease the overall processing time and cost.
All data when in transit is protected by Transport Layer Security using Authenticated Encryption (AEAD) and a 256 bit block/streaming cipher, which will protect the data. As future improvements happen in TLS, Izengard will keep updating this. However, note Izengard has dual level security, so if TLS is hacked the data still is masked using Privacy Enhancing Technologies in the vault.
In general it is possible to put most of the front end and process orchestration on premise on bare metal. However, remember this has a DevOps cost to it as well as a capital outlay and if your volume changes or acquisitions happen, then it will be up to you to scale your infrastructure appropriately. We do believe you will get higher performance, less storage costs and infrastructure if you use our cloud based data fabric / data mesh. For this, we can offer you a virtual private cloud and a dedicated leased line to the cloud and off course Transport Layer Security combined with our privacy enhancing technology (can be on site, as our vault) to protect your data. If your data is not allowed to move, the solution may cost more as we need to move it to a technology that gives you a near but not perfect equivalent to the data fabric and machine learning.
The consortium model is usually priced in when you buy at least one of our modules, so it is not an added extra. Whilst we do take data from you and share others data, none of it is detailed transactions. We take privacy enhanced masked personally identifiable information and then aggregates only, but no detail, these aggregates help you and others determine if the relationship with the customer is indeed similar from a peer perspective with other financial institutions and if there have been flagged crime risks against the customer.
Yes, we will be happy to discuss the proof of value / proof of concept requirements with you and present you with a range of options on how best to achieve it. Please contact Izengard.
Izengard in general was never conceived as a toolkit and due to the complexity of the underlying technology, it would require multi-domain skilled masters to create solutions on it from scratch. We see siloed solutions as toolkits and we see good/bad implementations of them as a result. Our approach is that we bring you the best practices to succeed from day one.
We wanted to cut deployment time for you, so we have built a verticalized industry solution for you and where we take the guess work out of the best practice workflows, process models, risk indicators, machine learning models, rules, statistical models, reports and procedures we follow.
You can take our industry base and of course extend it and configure it for new products, new channels, new lines of business, for acquired business, for new customers and for your own detection models etc. If you want to migrate logs, please speak to us, there are a range of log migration formats we can integrate via our professional services implementation.
Izengard is generally agnostic to the provider of bare metal. In general we prefer it to run a Linux variant like Ubuntu as it’s core operating system.
Izengard has relationships with HP Enterprise, Lenovo and Dell currently but can work across servers provided by other manufacturers as long as they support our operating systems. Please get in touch via the contact us button for further clarification.